Tuesday, October 3, 2023

“What happened to all the LiveGood haters?


“What happened to all the LiveGood haters? They was blowing up all over social media and now it's quiet as a mouse. It's not legit, The owners suck. Timbo sucks. It's no money in that membership deal. The products are cheap. They don't pay on products. It won't last.
Meanwhile the same owners are relaunching look alikes. No, not copy cats but look alikes. Throwing out these nonsense matrix plans with PV and no money to be made long term. Just dangling the carrots till the recruiting drys up from the same old industry money grabbers. When them tiny matrix checks hit and the super silly level matches hit I told folk. I will say it again. Competition is good in the industry but if you gonna copy something then copy the right cats. Until these owners are willing to take a pay cut, cut all the overhead, take smaller margins and pay on growth and not enrollement fees, and totally kills all cross promoting terminations it's a wrap.
Once people see LG they can't UnSee it and the way this membership model works getting in early has nothing to do with anything or being at the top of some magic matrix. It's the generationional matching baby.“


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