Friday, June 23, 2023

LiveGood Management TEAM, Liza Goodkin, Director of Product Eucation

Who is LIZA GOODKIN Liza Goodkin is LiveGood Director of Product Education in partnership with his husband Dr, Ryan Goodkin Director of Product Development. When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, Lisa not only teaches people how to maximize their health and wellness, she lives it! From the healthy foods she intentionally chooses to cook, eat and feed her family, to the way she designs her fitness routine for herself, her clients and her family. Lisa focuses on minimizing stress and maximizing productivity and loves spending time outdoors with her family. Lisa is a living example of what is possible when we make the decision to give our bodies what they need! While it’s important to have leaders who live what they teach, it’s Lisa’s passion for helping others that truly makes her so special. With a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology, a degree in Science and Nutrition and over 20 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, Lisa knows what works and what doesn’t work for people of all levels of health and fitness. Her commitment to helping people understand how their bodies work and what can make them perform at peak levels, is exactly why we are beyond proud and blessed to have her as our Director of Product Education. If you’re not currently following Lisa on social media, you are missing out. Be sure to add her for valuable free tips, education, and exciting adventures! While Lisa is a bit of a health nut, she will never miss out on a glass of wine with friends, birthday cake with her amazing kiddos, cliff jumping with her husband, chasing her dogs around the yard, or any other opportunity to have fun! She truly is an amazing person and we are so excited that she is such an important part of the LiveGood team!

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